Quick, Expedited Service to Ensure On-Time Delivery
When freight needs to reach its destination quickly, airfreight services provide the solution to get it there on time. Partnering with a knowledgeable global supply chain service provider can position your organization to fulfill last-minute shipping obligations quickly and avoid unnecessary headaches. Connect your business to a provider who offers guaranteed daily flight schedules with regular and planned service to help you manage even the most difficult shipping timelines. SBS’ global forwarding experts understand your shipping challenges and can help decide when airfreight is necessary and when other options will do the job. Simplify your shipping program to deliver a more reliable, efficient, cost-effective operation.
SBS offers:
→ Consolidated import/export services
→ Service to/from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia and South America so your destination is always covered
→ Visibility throughout the shipment cycle
→ AES filings for customs compliance