Flexible Line Haul Capacity to Meet Evolving Needs
No matter what your over-the-road operation entails, leverage expert guidance and reliable service from SBS to move shipments with confidence across each of your over-the-raod lanes. SBS offers unmatched inbound and outbound truck capacity between its Chicago to Minneapolis and Minneapolis to Seattle shipping lanes, allowing it to adapt to changing demands quickly and drive cost savings for its customers.
Real-time data communication and tracking provides full visibility to your cargo throughout its journey, so you can have peace of mind that it is on the road and on its way to another on-time delivery.
SBS offers:
→ Inbound and outbound trucking services
→ Flexible over-the-road capacity
→ Regional and long haul routes
Fixed nightly schedule line haul services to and from:
♦ Minneapolis and Chicago
♦ Minneapolis and Seattle
♦ Chicago and Memphis
♦ Memphis and Minneapolis
*With delivery options available en route